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FURSAN Travel, KSA Case Study

Founded in 1980, Fursan Travel is one of the foremost and earliest travel management companies in the Middle East. Proud of its leadership in bringing the power of technology to better serve its customers, Fusan was determined to find the best solution for clients without mandating changes to the way they conduct business.

In addition to providing the best service to their clients, and their client’s customers, Fursan Travel needed a better way to manage their own business while still advancing their services to all customers – regardless of their clients’ disparate business practices.

To ensure their own success, and the success of their clients, Fursan Travel selected Nucore Software Solutions as their technology partner.

FURSAN Business Barriers

Providing different services to different business models was becoming more difficult as the travel industry evolved. Managing services across different business models became more difficult to standardize and centralize. Major components of Fursan’s services were drifting apart, not coming together. Systems that were not capable of communicating effectively with each other, could not increase the level of service Fursan wanted to deliver. More and more of everyday processing had to be done manually. Fursan’s IT limitations were quickly becoming Fursan’s business barriers. Fursan recognized that two of the most telling indicators of a TMC’s Information Technology shortfall are 1) the inability to economically meet customer demands and 2) the unexpected number, frequency, and recurrence of business penalties (Agency Debit Memos). Both are symptomatic warnings of multiple operational deficiencies. Fursan needed a highly customizable ERP solution that could streamline and automate its business workflows, provide new services to customers, and deliver the management control needed across multiple-tiered operating entities such as subagents, franchisees, and corporations. Specifically, Fursan could not deliver second-tier information for subagents to manage their own businesses in a timely manner. ADMs were accelerating and recurring faster than could be manually tracked, drilled down, and resolved. Subagent payment and deposit collections were getting more difficult to reconcile and more dependent on intensive labor. In short, Fursan’s disparate, non-integrated subsystems were causing delays and incurring higher operational costs. Most importantly, customer dissatisfaction was consuming management’s attention.

Nucore Solution

Using the Agency Management Platform (AMP), driven by the TRAACS real time accounting system, Nucore specified, developed, and integrated a custom Franchise Management Platform for Fursan. AMP was also was used to integrate and automate, from end-to-end, Fusan’s existing Business-to-Business Hotel Supplier Platform. AMP’s native real time functionality enabled streamlining Fursan’s workflows through multiple automated processes including 1) subagent automatic GSD BSP and independent airline data capture, aggregation, and reconciliation, 2) on-demand multi-level consolidation reporting, 3) automatic invoicing, 4) on-demand financial statement generation, and 5) simultaneous credit card control with transaction entry, among other displacement of manual processes. As a user of the Agency Management Platform, access to Nucore add-ons such as GDS Mate (automated best fare finder, unused ticket manager, and seat finder tools), Traise (automated booking to invoice module), and TRAVTICS (travel business intelligence and analytic dashboards) also became available. As a Nucore client, Fursan Travel became a quarterly recipient of platform updates and upgrades, new add-ons, and advanced features at no additional cost.

FURSAN Results

Fursan Travel, as well as Fursan’s Government, subagent, and corporate clients, now receive timely information required to manage their own businesses. Automating previously manual intensive processes has reduced staff growth below revenue growth netting a higher profit for the same revenue turnover. Fursan IT has scaled incrementally with the growth of both existing and new clients even through generations of platform deployments which also enabled remote workforces during the pandemic. IATA pandemic policy changes and agent requirements have been automated to help ease agency cash demands from delayed return authorizations. Nucore has fared the test of time. Fursan is as competitive today as it was five years ago when Nucore was first partnered to help retain their industry leadership positioning.

FURSAN Platform Usage

Enabling subagents to access accurate financials, invoices, credit, payments, deposits, supplier accounts and numerous other key financial information required a platform with those capabilities such as Nucore’s Agency Management Platform. Extensive use of the Agency Management Platform as an integration hub for the custom designed Franchise Management System and Fursan’s B2B Hotel Supplier platform was critical to providing both the agency and its clients the information needed to manage their businesses in real time. Using the TRAACS database and other data management resources and migrating data from Fursan’s legacy system to the Nucore platform reduced complexity and eliminated an additional user interface. The TMC Agency Management Platform integrated with the Franchise Management System allows main agents and their subagents to access and share data and resources (e.g. GDS) while maintaining separate business management policies and workflows. The resulting system enables TMCs like Fursan to consolidate across all clients while providing the management information for each standalone entity. Finally, the economies of scale for TMCs and the lower cost of ownership for higher volumes can be realized.
